Your Sacred Success Starts Here



→ Aligning your business with your soul’s purpose. 


→ Creating offers that fill your bank account and fulfill your purpose.


→ Mastering both strategic action and soulful alignment.

Imagine starting your own chain of generational blessings like Jacquelyn did...


"After working with Leandra, I was able to speak the vision that God has placed before me and launch my business for all women of color.  This next chapter will start a chain of generational blessings for me and my family."  


- Jacquelyn Ayears, Founder of Hummingbirds Wellness, Los Angeles, CA


This isn’t a fantasy.

This is your reality waiting to be claimed.

Not just visualized and dreamt about but put into action and birthed into being. 


You’re not here to play small. You’re here to make an impact, to bring your unique gifts to the world, and to do it in a way that feels deeply authentic and aligned.
It’s time to move beyond the noise of conventional business advice and tap into a way of working that honors your soul and your vision.


Make sales & marketing a sacred act of service, like Nadine did...


“I was allergic to the words business, marketing, sales etc. Now, I see them with a different perspective, from a place of invitation, offering value, service and above all Love ( Divine ). That resonates so much with me.”

- Nadine Saad, Vancouver, Canada 

This isn’t about following someone else’s blueprint. It’s about creating your own.
Sacred Business Foundations is designed to help you connect deeply with your mission, articulate it powerfully, and bring it to life with strategies that feel true to who you are.



I’ve walked this path myself and guided 100s of heart-centered visionaries along the way. My clients have left behind soul-sucking jobs, launched thriving, purpose-driven businesses, and stepped into their sacred leadership.
I know how to blend strategy with soul to create businesses that not only succeed but also feel deeply fulfilling. 



I'm Ready





All I knew was that the conventional business tactics being taught felt manipulative and inauthentic. So I learned through trial and error to do it my way. Over time, I developed my own approach—one that honors the sacredness of your soul’s mission and integrates both the masculine and feminine aspects of business. 


But it doesn't have to cost you $10s of thousands or years of trying to figure it out. I put it all together for you in Sacred Business Foundations so that in just 8 weeks you can learn the essential strategies for starting or scaling your sacred business. 


Sign me up


Here’s what to expect:


Sacred Business Foundations is an 8-week live group program. With me as your personal mentor, you'll dive deep into the integration of essential masculine and feminine business practices. You’ll have the opportunity to implement these strategies in real-time, with the support and inspiration of a vibrant community of like-minded visionaries.

We begin September 23rd. Live calls will be Mondays at 4pm pst, with indefinite access to recordings. 

Live Q & A calls are held on zoom Mondays at 4pm mst

(arizona time *note it changes in November)

September 23 at 4pm mst

September 30 at 4pm mst

October 7 at 4pm mst 

October 14 at 4pm mst 

October 21 at 4pm mst 

October 28 at 4pm mst 

November 4 at 4 pm mst (3pm pst)

November 11 at 4 pm mst (3pm pst) 

*2 morning bonus calls will be added to accommodate European time zones; those dates and times will be scheduled once we begin.

Stay tuned.

Yes! I Am Ready!

Unshakable Clarity in Your Mission

  • Develop a clear, powerful mission aligned with your soul.
  • Establish daily rituals that enhance your connection and intuition. 
  • Never lose touch with the true power of your soul's essence again. 


Turn Your Vision into Reality...for real

  • Map out your vision with actionable steps.
  • Navigate inevitable challenges with grace and stay focused on your mission even amidst chaos. 
  • Tap into your inner fire to create a business that feels like home to your soul. 


Market through Resonance instead of Force

  • Craft a unique message that attracts soul match clients.
  • Develop a strategic content plan to engage and nurture your right fit people.
  • Cut through the noise by being your audaciously authentic self. 


Create Aligned Offerings

  • Design aligned offerings and confidently price them.
  • Practice energetic techniques to connect with the souls meant for  your offerings.
  • Do the glorious thing you came here to do inside of offerings designed by you. 


Receive Divine Compensation for your Sacred Work

  • Develop confidence in your pricing strategy.
  • Use Money Mapping system to know exactly what your rates should be at every stage of your business evolution.  
  • Open to receive financial abundance with ease 


Make Sales a Sacred Act of Mutual Benefit

  • Master the art of the sacred sales process
  • Create multiple pathways for client engagement and SALES 
  • Never feel icky in a sales conversation again. 


This is me, I'm Ready!


Statement of Transparency:


This live program is rich with tools and strategies designed to be explored together over 8 weeks. However, mastering business is a journey, not a quick fix. While you will gain invaluable insights and practical skills during this time, true mastery comes with ongoing practice and dedication. To support your continued growth, you will have indefinite access to all recordings and materials.


Pay In Full


What you receive:


  • 8 weeks live group coaching

  •  Lifetime access to trainings, meditations, & soul activations

  • Community support via Telegram

I'm In!

Payment Plan

2 payments of $444

What you receive:

  • 8 weeks live group coaching

  •  Lifetime access to trainings, meditations, & soul activations

  • Community support via Telegram

I'm in!

Still not sure if this is the perfect fit? 


Click here to Schedule a clarity session with Leandra and find out if Sacred Business Foundations can help you create the business you dream of.Â