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Ditch the Employee Mindset and Unleash Your Inner Entrepreneur

soul-aligned business Dec 31, 2022

 HOT TAKE: Simply having a business does not make you an entrepreneur. 

In fact some business owners remain employees in their business for years. They become trapped by the business, always working to please the customer, losing their passion and creativity in the process. 

But when you embody the entrepreneurial mindset and way of being, you unlock greater potential and possibilities. Essentially you take the lid off of limitation and become limitless.

Here’s how…


Entrepreneurs are often willing to take risks and embrace uncertainty in order to achieve their goals. They are comfortable with ambiguity and are not afraid to try new things. In contrast, employees tend to be more risk-averse and may be more comfortable in more predictable and structured environments. Take those risks & reap the rewards! 


Entrepreneurs are resourceful and adaptable, and are able to find creative solutions to problems. They are able to work independently and are not afraid to seek out new opportunities. In contrast, employees may be more reliant on their employer or manager to provide direction and support. You were meant to break the mold! 


Entrepreneurs take radical ownership of their work and are responsible for their own success or failure. They are driven by their own goals and motivations, and are not afraid to put in the hard work and effort to achieve their vision. Employees, on the other hand, may be more focused on meeting the expectations of their employer or manager. Business owners who remain employees focus on pleasing their customers rather than delivering value driven products and services that are perfect for the right clients. 


Entrepreneurs are independent and self-motivated, and are able to work independently without needing a lot of oversight or direction. Employees, on the other hand, may be more reliant on their employer or manager to provide guidance and support. Being an entrepreneur can open the floodgates of your creativity, leadership, and potential!


Entrepreneurs have a clear vision of what they want to achieve and are able to inspire others to follow their lead. They are able to see the bigger picture and are not afraid to think outside the box. Employees may be more focused on their immediate tasks and responsibilities. So cultivate that big vision and then make a plan to actualize it! When you sign up for a Vision Mapping session with me you get the Vision Vortex program for free. Find out more here.


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About Leandra Rose

Leandra Rose is a Master Guide for spiritual visionaries & entrepreneurs, blending over a decade of expertise in somatic healing, nervous system mastery, and purpose-driven mentorship. Her signature approach has helped thousands break free from limiting patterns, heal deep emotional imprints, and align their lives with their soul’s mission.

Through Leandra’s programs, leaders unlock authentic self-expression, embody their spiritual gifts, and cultivate sovereign success that is both purposeful and abundant. With her unique ability to merge intuition and strategy, Leandra empowers you to step boldly into your divine calling and manifest the impactful, prosperous life you’re here to create.

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Client Testimonials  

"I’ve never made such profound leaps forward in my self-development process and connection to myself as I have with Leandra. If you are ready and willing to open yourself up to who you really are, I cannot recommend Leandra enough."

-Michael Peer, Director & Screenwriter, Los Angeles


"I have been on a journey for over 30 years with top-notch therapists, spiritual teachers and three different spiritual programs. I have made progress and experienced transformation but not to the degree nor the pace in which I have in the last six months of working with Leandra."

-Carli, Retired teacher, Los Angeles


"I am now an empowered, creative, boundary-setting woman who is not afraid to voice her opinion and command her life. Leandra has taught me this amazing tools that allow me to find everything I need within me. I am confident that every woman needs to learn the tools Leandra teaches to realize her full potential in this life."

- Payal K., Attorney, Modesto, CA

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