The Real Reason You Keep Hitting an Upper Limit
Mar 03, 2025You're the woman who's done everything "right."
Built the conscious business from scratch. Invested in the high-end mentors. Mastered the energy work, the mindset tools, the quantum whatever.
And finally.. finally… It's working. Your programs are selling. Your clients are getting massive breakthroughs. You're watching your bank account grow in ways that past-you wouldn't believe.
Then it happens...
Maybe you get hit with devastating fatigue right before your biggest launch. Maybe you start questioning everything about your program. Maybe you find yourself picking apart your prices, your messaging, your whole damn business model.
And just like that, you're back. Back at that familiar edge where expansion meets resistance. Back where success starts feeling out of reach or even dangerous.
I spent years thinking I was just bad at holding success. That somehow the old stories I was told were true.The ones about how we poor oppressed Mexicans don't build businesses. Don't create wealth. Don't break generational patterns.
Those stories lived in my body long before I understood what they were doing there.
I threw money at fixing my "mindset blocks." Tried to positive-think my way through cultural programming that ran bone-deep. Pushed harder, as if I could somehow prove those stories wrong through sheer force of will.
But here's what nobody told me while I was busy trying to outrun my ancestry:
This isn't about your mindset.
This isn't about your strategy.
This isn't even about your "blocks."
This is about your nervous system carrying generations of stories about what's possible for you.
And until I understood that I kept trying to solve a body problem with my mind.
Let me show you what I mean...
The $40K Wall
For years, I watched myself dance this bizarre dance with money. One month I'd be on fire—signing dream clients, launching programs that lit me up, watching my business expand in ways that made my soul sing.
Then boom. $40K would hit my account.
And everything would fall apart.
I'm not talking about small setbacks. I mean full system shutdown.
My body would get sick. Like, can't-get-out-of-bed sick. I'd suddenly "forget" to follow up with perfect-fit clients or drop the ball on big opportunities. Minor irritations in my relationship would turn into a big fight. I'd start doubting everything about my business.
At first, I wrote it off. Maybe it's another algorithm change I need to keep up with. Maybe it's just a natural ebb and flow. Maybe my energy is just off.
But after it happened so many times over the years I saw the pattern so clearly…
I was hitting that upper limit at exactly the same number.
Why $40K? Well, it finally dawned on me that that was my first-year teacher's salary. The number that represented I’d “made it.” I’d broken so many barriers to put myself through college and launch a real career. A $40K salary was a big deal for me and my lineage.
That number was branded into my nervous system as "ENOUGH."
As "you can rest now."
As "this is what you deserve for a year of work."
So when my business started bringing in $40K in a single month my subconscious literally could not compute.
It was like trying to convince my body that breathing water was safe. Everything in my system screamed "NOPE" and started shutting down operations.
Logically, I knew I could handle more. I had the skills. The strategy. The genuine desire to serve at a bigger level.
But my body? My body was running an old program. One that equated $40K with my first real salary that brought financial security and safety and was a sign that I’d broken the generational pattern of poverty and hard manual labor.
But until that program got updated at the nervous system level…
No amount of mindset work, business strategy, or positive thinking was going to override it.
Your Body's Running the Show
Look, I get it. You're probably thinking this is just another mindset thing. Another belief to reframe. Another limitation to push through.
I thought that too.
But here's what nobody's talking about:
Your upper limit isn't living in your thoughts. It's living in your body.
It's that contraction in your belly when the big opportunity shows up. That mysterious illness right before the launch. That self-sabotaging decision when everything's finally flowing.
Your nervous system isn't trying to screw you over. It's trying to keep you safe.
And until your body feels safe with more, you'll keep bouncing back to what it knows.
The Shift That Changed Everything
Want to know what actually worked?
I stopped fighting myself.
Instead of trying to override my nervous system's wisdom, I started listening to it.
Here's what that looked like:
- I got real with myself about what was happening (No more pretending it was "just bad luck" or "market conditions")
- I thanked my nervous system for trying to protect me (Seriously. Try it. "Thank you for working so hard to keep me safe.")
- I started expanding my capacity slowly, deliberately, somatically Not through pushing. Not through forcing. Through feeling what "more" felt like in my body. Using the technique I guide my clients through in Somatic Alchemy.
- I surrounded myself with proof that more was possible Not through comparison. But through embodied knowing that expansion was natural and that even women of color like me are worthy and capable of it.
- I met every contraction with compassion Because your body doesn't need you to start a war with resistance. It needs to know it's safe.
The Truth About Your Next Level
That next level you're reaching for?
It's not waiting for you to figure out the perfect strategy. It's not hiding behind another certification. It's not even about working harder.
It's waiting for your nervous system to feel safe enough to hold it.
Pause for a second.
Feel into your body.
What happens when you imagine receiving more without the pushing? Without the proving? Without the old familiar efforting?
That reaction right there?
That's where the real work begins.
That's where transformation actually happens.
That's where your nervous system shows you exactly what it needs to expand.
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About Leandra Rose
Leandra Rose is a Master Guide for spiritual visionaries & entrepreneurs, blending over a decade of expertise in somatic healing, nervous system mastery, and purpose-driven mentorship. Her signature approach has helped thousands break free from limiting patterns, heal deep emotional imprints, and align their lives with their soul’s mission.
Through Leandra’s programs, leaders unlock authentic self-expression, embody their spiritual gifts, and cultivate sovereign success that is both purposeful and abundant. With her unique ability to merge intuition and strategy, Leandra empowers you to step boldly into your divine calling and manifest the impactful, prosperous life you’re here to create.
Client Testimonials
"I’ve never made such profound leaps forward in my self-development process and connection to myself as I have with Leandra. If you are ready and willing to open yourself up to who you really are, I cannot recommend Leandra enough."
-Michael Peer, Director & Screenwriter, Los Angeles
"I have been on a journey for over 30 years with top-notch therapists, spiritual teachers and three different spiritual programs. I have made progress and experienced transformation but not to the degree nor the pace in which I have in the last six months of working with Leandra."
-Carli, Retired teacher, Los Angeles
"I am now an empowered, creative, boundary-setting woman who is not afraid to voice her opinion and command her life. Leandra has taught me this amazing tools that allow me to find everything I need within me. I am confident that every woman needs to learn the tools Leandra teaches to realize her full potential in this life."
- Payal K., Attorney, Modesto, CA