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Leadership in the Age of Aquarius and Its Impact on Coaches, Healers & Mentors

coaching cyclebreaker leadership soulpreneurship Jul 17, 2023


A New Era in Leadership

We are at a turning point as we experience a rapid shift in the way power and leadership are understood, especially in the roles of coaching, healing, and mentoring.


A Matter of Unfinished Business

At the heart of this transformation lies the process of individuation.

Individuation is the developmental phase where teenagers carve out their identity, separate from their parents. 

Despite its critical importance in our personal evolution, this phase often remains incomplete, resulting in adults who remain unconsciously dependent on outside authority (parents, government, mentors).

When we don’t complete the individuation process it robs us of our personal power and inhibits our full potential. 


Symptoms of an incomplete individuation process:

  • Self Doubt - questioning of one's own thoughts, feelings, and decisions.
  • Seeking External Validation - over relying on others' opinions and approval for self-worth.
  • Fear of Conflict - avoiding disagreements or confrontation
  • Difficulty Setting Boundaries - resulting in overcommitment or feeling taken advantage of.
  • Limited Self-Expression - difficulty expressing true feelings, thoughts, or desires due to fear of rejection or criticism.
  • Codependency - Unhealthy emotional or psychological reliance on a partner
  • Struggles with Authenticity - Difficulty staying true to one's own values, beliefs, and identity, often swaying to accommodate others.
  • Lack of Self-confidence - Lower self-esteem, often leading to missed opportunities in personal and professional life.


Lack of Personal Power in Coaching Relationships

An incomplete individuation will manifest as 'Power-Over' dynamics in an individual’s life until it is complete. 

This is especially evident in coaching and mentoring relationships. 

If a mentor has a healthy sense of individuation, she will be able to lead her clients to claim their personal power even if the client has not yet come into their own autonomy. 

Because the coach is in the leadership position it is their responsibility to navigate this dynamic with integrity and not take advantage of clients who are at a different stage of development. 

However, since many coaches haven't fully completed their own individuation process, they often resort to 'Power-Over' leadership, perpetuating a dynamic that's unfortunately pervasive in our culture at large (think: schools, governments, corporations). 


The Shift: From Hierarchy to Interdependence

As we transition into the Age of Aquarius, we're witnessing a dissolution of these archaic power dynamics. 

Our collective consciousness is evolving, moving away from hierarchy and into interdependence. 

As part of this transformation, we're being urged to reclaim our power - not just from our parents, but from mentors, governments, doctors, and any entities onto which we've projected authority.


Growing Pains

This evolution doesn't come without its challenges. 

It destabilizes systems/relationships built on power imbalance, and this is particularly important in the transformational space. 

It calls on coaches, healers, and mentors to reevaluate their leadership styles, making sure they are not reinforcing old paradigm dynamics. 

As leaders we must honestly reflect on our methods and ask ourselves tough questions. 

  • Do I rely on 'Power-Over' dynamics in my coaching practice?
  • Am I seeking validation from my clients?
  • Am I allowing my clients to project power & authority onto me or do I point them back to their own sovereignty?
  • Do I give advice or guide clients to find their own path?

Of course, this power shift is a two-way street. Not only do the leaders need to evolve, but those being led must also grow. 

They need to engage in the hard work of understanding their own power, of identifying where they have given it away, and learning how to reclaim it. 

As we work to break down these long-standing patterns within ourselves, it's likely we'll run into inner resistance. As leaders, we have to be ready to deal with feelings of self-doubt, fear, and internal dissonance. 

It takes courage to relinquish control afforded by power imbalances.

It takes courage to challenge the power structures we've internalized.

It takes courage to push through the growing pains as we redefine our relationship with power.

The Gift

This isn't just a challenge, it's an opportunity. 

An invitation to revisit that critical stage of individuation, both individually and collectively. 

Claiming our true power gives way to authenticity, self-reliance, and our sense of self. 

It creates healthier, more balanced relationships.

It supports a new standard of mutual support, collaboration, and empowerment with people from all walks of life and in all roles. 

It restores harmony to our interconnectedness. 

From this place we understand our power and worth as equal because we appreciate the gift each individual brings to the whole which we are intrinsically part of. 


A Call to Evolution

This isn't a call to fight the old, it's a call to RISE into the new - an invitation to embody the future, today. 

This means shedding any lingering 'Power-Over' dynamics, addressing the wounds caused by such systems, and eradicating any traces of victim mentality.

In order to move forward we must resolve the emotional trauma tied to past experiences, and to leave behind any stories that kept us stuck in a cycle of disempowerment. 

As leaders in the transformative space, we are invited to move away from a role of authority to a role of guidance.  

For some leaders, stepping off the pedestal and relinquishing the allure of authority will be a painful process. The ego will resist this change, as it challenges our sense of self and the way we perceive our value as leaders. 

But for those who are open to this evolution, it paves the way for authentic connection and collective growth. 

Either way hierarchies are crumbling. 

Leaders can resist the change or participate in building the new. 

For those who choose to participate in building the new, here’s how to lead from True Power as a coach or healer:

  • Heal your past! Forgive those who misused their power and authority over you. 
  • Check your motivations. Is your guidance coming from the desire to empower others or are you subtly seeking validation?
  • Foster sovereignty. Encourage your clients to own their decisions, and express their right to diverge from your advice or disagree with you.
  • Embrace mutual growth. As you guide others, you are also evolving, learning and growing alongside them.
  • Embody humility. Leadership is not about being infallible, but about having the courage to admit when you're wrong and the humility to learn and grow from it.

Your journey as a leader is not just about how much power you can amass, but how much empowerment you can INSPIRE.

Let your leadership light the way for others. 

Let your leadership challenge the status quo.

Let your leadership change you & change the world. 

Humbly (co) leading the way,
Leandra | Purpose Doula & Sacred Business Mentor